Arbor Hills Tree Farm, LLC
Phone: (402) 681-6288

Evergreen Trees: The Winter Heroes of Landscaping

Evergreen Trees: The Winter Heroes of Landscaping

Evergreen refers to any tree that remains green throughout the year. This makes evergreen trees the winter heroes of landscaping. Evergreen trees and shrubs are something that gardeners desire to keep their gardens looking bright and lively during the colder months. So, what makes evergreen trees so special? They stand out and are a great focal point in winter landscapes. That’s not all; here’s what you should know about planting evergreen trees, their benefits, and the most popular varieties for 2025.

Evergreen Trees: The Winter Heroes of Landscaping

The Winter Heroes of Landscaping

Gardeners know landscapes can look pretty drab and depressing over the winter months. This isn’t the garden’s fault, but a combination of different seasonal changes. This is how most plants respond to the winter season. Deciduous trees lose their leaves and enter dormancy to survive the cold weather.

Evergreen trees differ from most plants because they don’t shed their leaves and maintain their sprightly, green appearance in winter. They’re a saving grace for landscape design!

Outdoor spaces don’t have to look drab and depressing over winter. Planting evergreen shrubs and trees provides winter interest and visual appeal to a snow-covered landscape.

Evergreen Trees Benefits: Not Just Aesthetics

These plants are not only about aesthetics but also about practical use. Evergreen trees can:

  • Add color to the landscape
  • Provide better privacy
  • Help create structure
  • A place to find shelter and a food source for birds
  • Considered effective at reducing air pollution and absorbing carbon dioxide in the environment

Here are some of the benefits of evergreen trees outlined and explained.

Add ColorTo The Landscape

They’re called evergreen trees for a reason!

Alongside certain shrubs, evergreen trees grow quite happily through harsh winter conditions. While cold affects some tree varieties and pushes them into a dormant state, evergreen trees stay green throughout the season.

Evergreen trees and shrubs can add color to an otherwise gray landscape. This can include colorful berries on shrubs, evergreen foliage, and winter-blooming flowers. Think about American Holly around the holidays.

Bettering Privacy

Evergreen trees can be used to improve privacy and home security.

While non-evergreens can let intruders through when their leaves have let go, evergreen trees maintain their thick growth. This means that evergreen trees don’t leave gaps for prying eyes and keep the home out of plain sight when planted right.

Use evergreen trees planted in closely to create an almost impenetrable barrier. Many evergreens can grow up to 200 feet tall, depending on the species.

This is often more cost-effective than a fence spanning the same length. As most landscape professionals can tell you, it’s also better to look at!

Evergreens CreatE Structure

Creating structure within the landscape doesn’t always mean building walls or installing bridges. While these have merit within garden design, evergreen trees can also create structure. For example, you can line an entrance or walkway with evergreen trees.

When used right, evergreen trees brighten any winter garden while adding structure wherever you want to focus attention.

Evergreen trees planted in a singular line can also create a barrier against exceptional temperature changes and winter winds. They can help to improve the air quality while breaking some of the incoming cold away from the house!

The Best Evergreen Trees: A Quick Guide

The traditional Christmas tree. Mahogany, tamarind, and blue spruce are three more evergreen trees recommended for the garden. Additionally, some species of maple and cypress trees are evergreen. They grow pretty happily throughout the year and thrive even during colder winters.

Choosing the Best Location

Effective planting is about choosing the best location for the tree. Plant larger trees to have enough root space while avoiding any upward obstruction that could become an issue as the tree grows.

Some evergreen tree species can get quite large. Wise gardeners are always prepared for what a tree might eventually grow into. This means you should leave enough space for future growth and plan a tree’s proximity to another.

This can take some basic landscaping knowledge but can be done more easily with technology. Create a 3-D model of the garden if you aren’t sure what should fit where

Professional Tree Planting Solutions

Professional tree planting solutions can help you to choose the best evergreen trees for your landscape. Planting fully grown trees can be easier than starting with saplings, though each option has advantages.

Contact a professional, and you’ll know exactly which trees match the effect you’d most like to create. Evergreen trees are all the rage this year—all year!

Why not go with Evergreen for this winter?

Arbor Hills Tree Farm & Nursery Omaha

We provide the Highest Quality Field Grown Nebraska Trees and Shrubs – directly to our customers, at the lowest possible price.

Whether you are looking for trees for:

  • new home landscaping
  • wind blockage
  • commercial or residential

Simply select the tree(s) you want, and they will be ready for pickup or delivery the following Saturday Morning. The trees are easy to handle and plant. Click here for more information.