Our Advantages

  • Native Grown Trees
  • Larger Root Balls
  • Hand or Spade Planted
  • All Trees are Grade A
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Low Cost
  • Best Value
  • In Business Since 1977
Arbor Hills Trees & Landscaping, LLC, Nurseries  Plants, Trees, Elkhorn, NE
Angies List Houzz

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Jumbo Trees


Planting with the Big SpadePlanting with the Big SpadePlanting with the Big Spade

Arbor Hills provides JUMBO sized trees set with a tree spade. We access both 50” and 90” trees spades. As a good rule of thumb, to successfully transplant a tree you need 10” of spade for every 1” caliper size of the tree trunk.

We move most of our trees in early spring or late fall. It is best to move the trees when they are dormant. We do move many trees when they are actively growing by chemically treating them before the move to reduce transplant shock. All of our spade-planted trees carry a full 1 year replacement warranty. We are not responsible for any sprinkler system damage, yard damage, driveways or sidewalks.

If you are interested in JUMBO sized trees, your site will need accessibility for large truck(s). Listed below is our unit pricing. The pricing is all inclusive. We will be happy to come out to see your site and make suggestions for successful transplantation of your new tree.


Jumbo Crab Tree - Golden Raindrops – Red Jewel – Spring Snow
4 - 5"
Jumbo Evergreens - Colorado Spruce – Pine
9 - 11'
Jumbo Locust Tree - Shademaster – Skyline
4 - 5"
Jumbo Maple Tree - Autumn Blaze – Red Sunset
4 - 5" (50" Spade)
Jumbo Oak Tree - Red Oak – Swamp White
4 - 5"
Jumbo Pear Tree - Cleveland Select – Chanticleer
4 - 5"


Jumbo Cypress Tree - Bald Cypress
5 - 7"
Jumbo Evergreen Tree - Colorado Spruce – Pine
12 - 22'
$124.00 / ft
Jumbo Locust Tree - Shademaster – Skyline
5 - 7"
Jumbo Maple Tree - Autumn Blaze – Red Sunset - Red Point
5 - 7"
Jumbo Oak Tree - Heritage – Red Oak – White Swamp - Saw Tooth
5 - 7"
Jumbo River Birch Tree - River Birch Clumps
15 - 20'

Prices include trees, labor and spade fees, if job site is within 20 miles of Omaha. Job sites beyond this limit will be charged $1.00 per mile for spade fees.