Will Vines Harm My Trees?
- 30
- Jan
Trees harbor plenty of life under the canopy, and it’s home to countless insects, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Some plant species even grow on trees in a symbiotic relationship. Climbing vines can take over trees and grow from the soil around the tree trunk, extending up toward the canopy. Do you have a vine wrapping around a tree in your yard? If so, you might wonder if the vines will harm your trees. Should you remove the vine before it causes a problem?
Will Vines Harm My Trees?
The reality is a climbing vine will often damage a tree. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will kill the tree or that you need to remove it. Keep reading to learn more about vines and the health of your trees.
How Vines Can Damage Your Tree
Here are a few ways a climbing vine can damage the tree, causing the need to remove it.
Weight of the Vine
Climbing vines growing on your trees can get heavy, especially as they reach the canopy and spread in the foliage. The added weight can cause limbs to break or even cause the tree to fall over, depending on the spread and strength of the root system.
Bark Damage
Vines cling to the bark around the trunk and branches of the tree. Removing the vines from trees may pull the bark off the trunk. This can expose the tree to pathogenic infection or insect infestation.
Mold and Fungi
Vines will trap moisture in the branches and trunk, providing the ideal conditions for fungi and mold growth. English Ivy has a reputation for causing fungo growth and colonization. The result is the decay and death of the tree.
The vine can also constrict the trunk as it grows, damaging the phloem, the living tissue under the bark. This prevents the tree from receiving nutrients from the leaves to feed itself. As a result, the tree eventually gets strangled to death.
Lack of Sunlight
Larger vines will eventually spread across the canopy, stopping sunlight from reaching the foliage. As a result, the tree drops its leaves, weakening the tree.
Should You Remove Climbing Vines from Trees?
Removing climbing vines from trees is a good idea to prevent damage. Invasive types of vines are the biggest problem; remove them as soon as possible. Japanese honeysuckle (lonicera japonica) and poison ivy actively invade ecosystems as known invasive species. Some varieties of indigenous vines are okay to leave on the tree.
If you have ivy growing up a large tree, you can leave it be or trim it to prevent interference with the canopy. If you notice any signs of vines causing health issues with the tree, remove them. Smaller vines can be trimmed using common pruning shears.
What to Do About Vines on Trees
If you suspect climbing vines are damaging your trees, contact a professional arborist near you for your tree care needs.
Leave it to the tree care experts; don’t try to do it yourself; you might damage the tree. A local arborist will examine the tree and recommend a management strategy or removal. Seasonal inspections are vital to ensure your trees stay in good health.
Additional Reading: Panhandle Perspectives: Wild cucumber and Virginia creeper threaten trees, shrubs
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