Our Advantages

  • Native Grown Trees
  • Larger Root Balls
  • Hand or Spade Planted
  • All Trees are Grade A
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Low Cost
  • Best Value
  • In Business Since 1977
Arbor Hills Trees & Landscaping, LLC, Nurseries  Plants, Trees, Elkhorn, NE
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Arbor Hills is a family owned and operated business. The tree farm is located in a valley of rolling hills near David City, Nebraska. The owner Ed DeWispelare, started growing trees on the 40 acre farm back in 1977. The nursery today consists of a large variety of high quality shade, ornamental and evergreen trees.

Ed DeWispelareOur business concept is simple. We will provide the highest quality field grown trees or shrubs directly to our customers at the lowest possible price. To meet this objective, we grow most of our tree inventory and transport in bulk in early spring to a holding site in West Omaha for distribution. We also source other high quality trees and shrubs from other growers.

Our Primary Team:

Any landscaping project is only as good as the people who install the landscape plan. Arbor Hills Trees & Landscaping in Omaha is fortunate to have experienced landscaping professionals. They are all insured, properly equipped, and been with the company for many years.

Ed Dewispelare - Founder and PresidentDustin DeWispelare, General Manager and New Business Development - 10 years of service

Taylor Welch - Operations Manager - 8 years of serviceJason Harre - Senior Installer 10 years of serviceKyle Conley - Installer - 3 years of service

Nathan Pesek & Jack Davidson - Installers 2 years and 4 years of service respectively

Our employees have over 25 years of combined experience in all aspects of traditional landscaping.

All have been safety trained, certified and take great care to make sure your project is installed professionally.